Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just a thought.....

I am blessed ....Rather I should say...We are blessed....On 26 November 2008 our daughter was born.

As I was travelling to reach Pune from my place of work, a thought crossed my mind. I have been little sceptical about the whole concept of GOD. Personally I believe that it is concept developed out of fear. I mean those who ruled the masses or wanted to rule the masses created the concept of GOD for their own mean purpose and the masses fell victim. But having said that if someone asks me do you believe in GOD despite the scepticism, I would say I believe in nature. That is GOD for me. Anyway this is a debatable topic which would never end. But the reason this chain of thoughts started was the birth of our daughter.... How is it that from a single sperm and an ovule an entire body gets developed.....Is it a chance ? Is it some kind of intelligent design ? I do not have answers to these questions. All I can say is I am humbled by these unanswered questions.

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